Power to Move

Jenna Short

Jenna Short is a vibrant and compassionate fitness instructor whose journey in the fitness world is as inspiring as her classes. Having recently completed her Certificate III in Fitness, Jenna is currently expanding her expertise by studying for her Certificate IV in Fitness. Her passion for fitness is matched only by her love for cats and her dedication to yoga, both of which have played a pivotal role in supporting her mental health.

Jenna believes in the power of exercise to transform not just the body, but also the mind and spirit. This belief is at the heart of her teaching philosophy, making her a kind and supportive guide to her students. She specializes in teaching stretching, bootcamps, and spin classes, infusing each session with her unique blend of fun and energy. Jenna's approach to fitness is holistic, focusing on the well-being of the whole person.

For those looking to embark on a fitness journey in a supportive, engaging, and energetic environment, booking into Jenna's sessions is a step towards achieving your health and fitness goals. Whether you're looking to improve your flexibility, build strength, or simply find a joyful way to support your mental health, Jenna Short is the trainer who can lead you there with compassion and enthusiasm.
